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8 Self Care Tips I am currently practicing

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

1. Read a chapter of a book before bed

I have been reading a chapter of a book before going to bed for the past month and have found that I am a lot calmer when going to sleep. The worst feeling is when you are mindlessly scrolling through social media, wasting an hour of sleep time then struggling to fall sleep because your mind is wired. My favourite book currently is The Invisible Load by Dr Libby Weaver who talks about how stress impacts the body and the fundamentals around how your body responds to stress as well as life.

2. Take my time with my skincare routine

Since the beginning of lockdown I have made it my mission to create a skincare routine that I enjoy. Setting aside time daily to allow yourself downtime is extremely important to our stress levels and our abilities to keep on top of looking after ourselves. I have found that icing my face once a week, applying my serums at night and using face masks allows me the much needed ME time that I deserve everyday.

3. Every morning drink a hot cup of water with a slice of lemon

Coffee and I have never seen eye to eye. I always felt sluggish, dehydrated and nauseous on the days I would drink coffee. But starting the morning with a hot cup of water with a slice of lemon helps me feel lighter and refreshed. I have seen a change in how my body has responded to the new morning routine and I can tell you, its for the better.

4. Yoga stretching class once a week

I always workout everyday for 30 minutes or more. This allows me to get out of the house, move my body and get those natural endorphines that my body needs. But once a week I focus on a more mindful practice, yoga. For me, stretching and moving to how my body feels helps relieve stress and gives me time to be present and acknowledge how things have been going during the week and where my pain points are.

5. Get my 8 Hours of sleep

I have my phone on sleep mode (iPhone 11, may not work on other phones) to help with winding down before bed. My phone turns off notifications from 9:45pm, setting my bedtime for 10:30pm and my morning alarm for 7:00am. This allowing me to get the appropriate amount of sleep needed and helps reduce distractions throughout the night.

6. Drink 2 Litres of water a day

Drinking 2 Litres of water a day helps with flushing the toxins within the body and keeps your skin and body hydrated throughout the day. The secret to this is to find a drink bottle that you like, for me I have brought a nice lemon coloured flask drink bottle which for me aesthetically makes me feel satisfied while also reminds me to keep the fluids up throughout the day.

7. Spend 30 minutes + outside in fresh air

Working throughout lockdown has meant more time inside at my desk and less time out and about. I have made it a goal of mine this month to not be indoors on my lunch breaks; this meaning I am eating my lunch outside or taking a walk around the neighbourhood to reduce the time I spend cooped up inside. Getting fresh air gives you a break from work or things that are taking up a lot of your time and also allows you to get your mind off things.

8. Applying Sunblock

I love to tan, it is my favourite thing about summer time. But from this month going forward, I am prioritising my skin. Sun damage has a huge impact especially to New Zealanders due to the harsh sun and UV rays and it has long term effects on our skin and complexion. It is best to start young and make sure we protect ourselves from this impact, so I am working on protecting my skin and making sunscreen an essential item in my daily routine.



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