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10 things to elevate your creativity

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

1. Surround yourself with like-minded people

Surrounding yourself with like-minded people helps with bouncing ideas off each other and it allows you to see things from a different perspective.

2. Expose yourself to a new art or hobby

I have found that doing new things helps with motivation, accomplishment, and enjoyment. I always try to encourage myself to try new creative activities as I like to challenge myself as well reduce my boredom with the things I am currently doing, giving me variety.

3. Develop a morning routine

Having a morning routine helps with organisation, getting yourself in the right frame of mind for the day ahead, and reducing the stress towards having a busy day. For me, one thing I do every day is laying my clothes out the night before so when the next morning comes around I don’t waste time thinking of something to wear.

4. Take photos of things you do

Taking photos of things you do daily is a fun way to inspire your mind. Giving you a perspective of the things you find important allows you to understand your thought process and what you find most important to capture.

5. Spend quality time writing or journaling

I always put aside time to journal before bed. It helps with reducing screen time and allows me to wind down. The time before bed is a good time to reflect and jot down your thoughts from the day in order to allow your mind to rest when sleeping.

6. Exercise or move your body

Over the years I have forced myself to exercise because of the guilt of being lazy, but I have recently found that moving your body when your body and mind feel ready, you’re doing exercises that you enjoy and you are present within the workout is when you get the most out of being active. Treat exercise not as a chore, but as a way of clearing the mind and activating the body.

7. Spend time outdoors

Getting out in nature and in the fresh air always seems to have relaxing effects. This, accompanied by not bringing your electronics with you, allows for a restart of the mind and gives clarity to your thoughts. When you are inside all day, scrolling through your phone you tend to create negative habits, rather if you catch yourself in this cycle, force the phone down and get outside, you will thank me later.

8. Shut the world out by meditating, napping, or reading

Meditating is something I am still learning, but having a quick power nap when you are feeling exhausted or reading a chapter of a book always helps reboot my system and subsides the feeling of frustration and tiredness.

9. Take a different route home

I love this one! I am a sucker for going a different way home, the experience is fun and you also find new things that you’d probably never see before. It’s also a way of getting to know a new town or city if you are new to the area.

10. Always keep learning new things

Something I swear by. Always keep learning, even if it’s something small it's still a new experience and knowledge to take with you in life. The journey of learning can take you anywhere, my next adventure…potentially taking French lessons.



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