10 healthy habits I am currently practicing
Updated: Oct 2, 2023
2023 for myself has so far brought a lot of positive change, cleansing energy and eye opening thoughts! New Year's resolutions in my opinion is a fad that always dies out with the stress of having to live up to those expectations when you were in a motivational mindset, especially over summer break which is a time where people are at their most blissful mentality.
This year I have taken a different approach, whereby I am more open and empathetic towards my goals, my progression throughout the year and taking time to recharge. I feel as though we as humans are too hard on ourselves, we feel guilty for taking the time to breath and we always push our minds and bodies to breaking point because of the expectation of society that we have to have our shit together!
These 10 healthy habits are things I am incorporating into my everyday routine to bring peace and gratitude to my goals, life and soul. Enjoy...
1. Preparing my weeks dinners on a Sunday
This is something I have been doing for years. I have a busy schedule especially with having football training during the week so cooking my dinners on a Sunday for the week ahead helps with setting me up in keeping myself fuelled and always having something prepared.
2. Creating a tidy space in my room
I would say I have a minor case of OCD, but having a clean and tidy room means there is always one less thing to worry about and the last thing you want after a long days work is coming home to a messy room!
3. Listening to my body
A habit I am only just learning...knowing when to say NO and taking the time to rest. The guilt and pressure to always be busy is something I have always done, but this year is the time to change my approach and to rest when my body is telling needing it.
4. Always getting enough sleep
I have the 'Sleep' function added on my iPhone which means at 8:45pm my phone turns to sleep mode and all notifications, messages and calls are disabled. At first this was hard, but tuning out of the electronic world before bed is essential to having a good sleep each night.
5. Going outside - even if its just for 5 minutes
I practice this especially at work. If I am struggling to write a piece of content and starting to get frustrated, I take my water bottle and sit outside for 5 minutes. This truly resets my mindset and my frustration tends to subside, meaning I can look at the work from a different angle.
6. Prioritising stress management
Stress for everyone can be different, but I think we allow stress to take over too often and push us to breaking point. Being aware of your anxiety and stress allows you to be more conscious of your needs and how to deal with how to overcome it.
7. Starting fresh everyday
Waking up with a fresh mind is perfect for being kind to ones self everyday and setting yourself for a day of mystery and openness.
8. Drinking 1-2L of water a day
I use to think of drinking water as a chore, but with time I have found that staying hydrated is a must if we don't want to feel weighed down. I suffer headaches often, so drinking water helps with subsiding the pain.
9. Keeping track of my weekly movements
I am always planning my weeks in advance so I feel more organised each week. Keeping my calendar up to date and colour coordinated means I know exactly what's going on and can book in plans with friends and family better.
10. Walking barefoot on grass - this is a MUST!
Ok...now this sounds like a bit of a strange one. But trust me when I saw, take your shoes off and stand on a patch of grass. There is just something about being grounded that makes you feel so much better.